Wedding Planning

Ripley and the Wedding Decorations

Flowers by Tina

Without giving everyone too much of a hint as to what the wedding is going to look like, we have all of our decorations! At last! Ripley likes them too!

Ripley and some lights

I have my dress!


      So I had a super stressful day trying to find a dress. I went all the way **** out to Langley, found out that you need an appointment to try anything on (apparently this is common knowledge to everyone, even Andrew, but who likes a pushy salesperson over their shoulder?!) they said I couldn’t get an appointment today, they don’t have any sort of standby or wait list, and they wouldn’t put my number aside to call me, they told me that the only way to get in for a cancelled appointment is to be in the store waiting, hoping that someone would cancel. WTF. After a few minutes of browsing and mulling over the fact that I never want to buy anything from this store the girl magically “found some time” for me…in 4.5 hours. In Langley. What am I going to do for 4.5 hours in Langley.

So I went to Michaels Craft Store.

Then I went to Chapters.

Then I went on Craigslist. OMG.  Longest day ever.

I was determined to not buy anything from David’s bridal and to only go there as a last resort. I went to two people’s houses. Nothing. Went back to David’s Bridal.

      dress was my dress but I tried on pretty much every style because I’m supposed to. Then after saying I want this dress, the wedding dress helper person actually said “So, do you say yes to the dress?” (Like on TV!!!!) I had to say Yes! And I thought that the 5 sales people clustering around would go away, but then they brought out a bell…oh man… Then ALL of the sales people on the floor came over and there were 9 strangers watching me in addition to the other customers in the store because their sales people had to come over and I was told I had to close my eyes, ring the bell and make a wish. Oh and they will video me with my phone closing my eyes, ringing a bell, and making a wish. Lovely. In front of everyone. But I have my dress!

Shopping for Stuff – By Andrew C.

Arguably one of my favourite things to do include shopping at Michaels for ribbon and fabric. With this in mind I am on my way to pick up Denise downtown to see if we can find some remaining Christmas decorations that don’t look too Chrismassy but that will fit our colour scheme. How did I get involved in all this?